About Dutch Green Building Council
The Foundation Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC) is a national civil society organisation committed to rapidly making the built environment future-proof. We believe climate change is happening at greater speed than anticipated and the urgency for sustainability is increasing continuously.
Faster and more-thorough
The built environment is responsible for nearly 40% of the energy consumption and almost a third of the CO2-emissions in the Netherlands. A huge responsibility lies with the sector to stimulate sustainability of buildings and regions.
Key topics
We develop relevant programs on four key topics:
- CO2-reduction (Paris Proof)
- Circularity
- Health
- Climate adaptation
DGBC was established as a foundation in 2008 at the initiative of the market and is part of the World Green Building Council. We have nearly 380 participants and together we constitute the largest and broadest movement encouraging sustainability of the built environment in the Netherlands. These frontrunners sense the urgency for immediate action and they take responsibility and assume leadership in this transition.
DGBC connects organisations and encourages cooperation. We provide a platform where all our partners share their expertise and innovation.
To measure, to know, to do
DGBC organises trainings and events on topical sustainability topics. We also develop and manage BREEAM-NL, the most frequently used certification standard in Europe for assessing and measuring sustainable performance of buildings and regions.
Annual plan and reports
Publication of our present annual plan and recent annual reports can be found on this page.
DGBC as part of WGBC
Dutch Green Building Council is an established member of the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC). WorldGBC unites all councils in the world. Nearly 100 countries have a council aimed at improving sustainability of the built environment.
Collaboration with BRE
The BREEAM certification has been developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE). DGBC has adopted this standard to develop the Dutch BREEAM certification: BREEAM-NL. All new BREEAM-NL certifications or amendments to existing ones are submitted to the BRE before introduction or implementation in the Dutch market.